Gain insights from real conversations with Amazon Contact Lens for Amazon Connect


One of the exciting new features within the Amazon Connect platform is Amazon Contact Lens. Contact Lens was released in early July in a number of regions. Contact Lens is a set of capabilities for Amazon Connect which leverages machine learning (ML) to enable contact center supervisors and analysts to understand the customer and agent content, sentiment, and trends during customer conversations to identify crucial customer feedback and improve customer experience.

BPO’s, call centers and answering service companies field enormous volumes of customer conversations every day which results in millions of hours of recorded calls. All of these use cases want the ability to get accurate transcripts of these calls, and search across all of them to identify issues, common themes, and opportunities for agent coaching. Moreover, they want the ability for artificial intelligence to notify them of these issues and proactively escalate the call patterns. Today, most contact center platforms require expensive third-party solutions to provide these services. With Amazon Contact Lens, these features are built into the Amazon platform. Customers can now get a full-featured Cloud-based contact center without any long-term contracts or customer commitments and reap the benefits of true machine learning to drive customer satisfaction and agent service levels.

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect addresses these challenges and provides customers the ability to easily turn on a set of ML-powered analytics features as part of an out-of-the-box experience that empowers their contact center staff to easily use the power of machine learning with just a few clicks. Using Contact Lens, supervisors can use sentiment analytics to instantly address a frustrated customer, agent questions or engage in a monitoring session to assist agents while calls are in process before they hang up.


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Getting started with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect is easy. You can configure which calls to analyze in the contact flow settings by checking the Contact Lens for Amazon Connect option in the “Set Recording Behavior” block. Once this is completed, Contact Lens for Amazon Connect will start analyzing your specified calls automatically. The figure above demonstrates a real-time panel with customer sentiment reporting.

To learn more about Amazon Contact Lens, feel free to reach out to CloudHesive at [email protected]

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