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  • From CapEx to OpEx: The Financial Benefits of Using Cloud-Managed Services

    Manage costs using cloud managed services Cloud-managed services or operating a business using a cloud system offer technical and financial benefits. SaaS companies utilizing the cloud often choose...

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  • Ensuring HIPAA compliance with Amazon Connect: A Guide for Healthcare SaaS Providers

    Healthcare IT – HIPAA Compliance Best Practices in Amazon Connect Healthcare application providers are responsible for ensuring systems protect patient data to comply with HIPAA regulations. HIPAA...

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  • Ensuring Robust Security in Amazon Cloud Environments

    Amazon has the tools and CloudHesive has the expertise to keep your SaaS data safe.   Rock-solid security is crucial in all cloud environments, especially for SaaS platforms, which handle...

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  • What You Need to Know about Cloud Security in the Generative AI Era

    Key Takeaways: Find out how generative AI is changing cloud security. Learn best practices for cloud security in the generative AI era.  Discover generative AI tools and techniques for enhancing and...

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  • Cloud Migration Strategies for Mitigating Security Risks

    Cloud migration security strategies  Data is a valuable business asset, making it a prime target for thieves and malicious cyber actors (MCAs). The attraction of MCAs to the cloud is simply the...

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  • How Higher Education Call Centers Match Student Needs Today

    Today’s college and university students have been raised with evolving technology and have high expectations that include personalized and efficient services from their educational institutions....

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  • Evolving Threats, Emerging Solutions: Exploring Trends in Managed Security Services

    Trends in managed security services The managed security services industry is experiencing rapid growth due to the rise in the number of complex cybersecurity threats. The expansion of the threat...

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  • 6 Tips for Scaling Contact Center Operations

    Amazon Connect and ConnectPath optimize operations while offering a superior level of customer service   To succeed, contact centers must efficiently scale operations. Having agents and...

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  • Best Practices for a Successful and Efficient Cloud Migration

    Take your business to new heights with capabilities only available in the cloud The cloud is used by 94% of companies worldwide for good reason.It’s scalable, enhances collaboration, easy to...

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  • Understanding CMMC – Tips and Strategies for Successful Compliance

    New requirements are being phased in. Are you ready to meet them? An MSSP can help. To enhance the cybersecurity practices of organizations that work with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), they...

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  • From Check-In to Check-Out: How Cloud Technology is Transforming Hospitality

    Exceed customer expectations. Streamline operations. Increase profitability. They’re all yours in the cloud.   Cloud computing has revolutionized the way every industry does business. By...

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  • Amazon Personalize: Create a Customer Experience Worthy of Brand Loyalty

    Get the contact center analytics you need to offer a hyper-personalized experience   With a seemingly endless amount of online purchasing options, the imperative for today’s sellers is to...

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