Amazon Connect – Empower Agents to Offer Exceptional Customer Service and Deliver Quality


Empower agents for exceptional customer service.



Customer service impacts a business on multiple fronts. First, high-quality and effective customer service builds a brand image and helps develop a loyal customer following. 50% of consumers indicate that customer service experience is a significant consideration when purchasing goods or services. 

Supporting and growing a business requires a strong, empowered, and engaged customer service agent team. Amazon Connect provides the technology customer service and contact centers need to provide exceptional service. 

The easy-to-use and intuitive dashboard control center allows agents to do all work in a single location. Shared data and always-on connectivity enable real-time collaboration with agents, team members, and customers. Make the most of your customer service team by empowering them with Amazon Connect. 

This guide describes the benefits of Amazon Connect to empower customer service agents to deliver exceptional customer experience every time.

Why empower customer service agents and keep them engaged with customers?

Customer service agents empowered to provide quality customer service remain engaged in the products they support and the service they provide. Providing high-quality customer service requires supporting agents with real-time data, access to all the tools they need in a single, easy-to-use dashboard, and giving them the power to access communication and training in multiple channels. 

Today’s customer service or contact center is impacted by three business trends. First, finding and managing quality talent in a customer service center environment is challenging. An implied threat of being replaced by process automation in the form of AI chatbots, tracking, and other automated service technology makes the career choice less attractive. The good news is that the remote working trend creates a work environment where agents can work from anywhere around the globe with an internet connection. 

Another vital customer service trend is elevating the customer support experience both for customers and employees. Businesses providing a high-quality digital product experience from sales to purchase and support is crucial. Positive and proactive customer experiences build the brand and help retain a loyal customer base. Using digital technology effectively to improve both the agent and customer experience elevates product quality and service experience. 

To optimize the customer service experience, your business must be digital. A well-designed, positive customer journey depends on processes being executed quickly and accurately. Agents and businesses using Amazon Connect can provide an advantage because they support personalized, consistent, accurate, and fast customer service. 

How to empower customer service agents and keep them engaged using Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect empowers agents through the following features: 

  • Contact control panel
  • Skills-based call routing
  • Unified customer data profiles
  • Agent assistance on demand
  • Call summarization

Amazon Connect’s contact control panel (CCP) provides a single access point for all agent working needs. Everything an agent needs is easily accessible within the CCP. Agents can answer calls, chat, text, or transfer customers to agents with specialized skills easily without cutting off customers or losing calls. 

Skills-based call routing enhances agent productivity. Efficient call routing enables managers to ensure customers get the answers they need quickly and accurately. Calls can be routed based on agent availability, skillset, customer sentiment, and customer history. Customers receive a personalized and consistent support experience by routing calls to specific agents. 

Unified customer profiles provide consistent answers based on customer data. Customer data includes previous calls or shared customer data from an integrated CRM system. By integrating data and making it accessible, agents can provide higher quality service quickly and accurately without customers having to repeat information. 

Agent assistance is a feature that empowers agents to quickly get help from supervisors, managers, and other agents or quickly search and find answers in a knowledgebase – no need to spend valuable time searching for information at random. 

Amazon Connect integrates with CRM and other third-party applications to provide connected information fast. Adding in Contact Lens for Amazon Connect enables agents to receive real-time recommended content based on customer call content, summarization, and history. 

What can Amazon Connect contribute to agents in providing high-quality customer service?

Additional benefits of using Amazon Connect for agent support include: 

  • AI/ML enhancements to save time and retain data
  • Call center management optimization
  • Accurate customer data, including conversation tracking and recorded past service calls
  • Omnichannel cloud services for increased communication abilities across multiple channels

AI/ML enhancements available begin with automated call categorization for tracking agent and customer conversations. Tracking enables ensuring agents comply with company policies for service. ML and AI technology also would allow agents to focus on more important or higher-level service calls and leave the easier and more repetitive calls to the AI/ML tech. Agents save time and become more productive. 

Call center management optimization improves customer service by providing seamless work organization using integrated software and an always-connected experience for agents and customers. Being connected enables agents to get to know customers based on saved data. Agents benefit from automatic access to saved customer data allowing them to provide personalized service in record time. 

Omnichannel cloud services benefit agents by supporting a personalized service experience. Agents become more productive, which enhances the overall job experience and keeps agents engaged in providing high-quality customer service. Additionally, the ability to contact customers over various channels ensures that communication occurs accurately and rapidly.  

Are you ready for high-quality, engaged customer service? 

By choosing Amazon Connect, businesses don’t need to worry about installing, hosting, or managing the entire network system required for managing a customer call or contact center. CloudHesive offers managed services that enable engaged and productive customer service agents. 

Do you need managed services or cloud solutions? Have questions on what you need or how to proceed? CloudHesive provides support and deep expertise in using Amazon-managed services and serverless architecture systems. As an Amazon Managed Services partner and Amazon Premier Partner, CloudHesive helps businesses take full advantage of all AWS features. See what other customers have to say in case studies available from CloudHesive. 

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