How Businesses Are Using Contact Lens AI to Take AWS Connect to the Next Level


AWS Contact Lens use cases for optimizing call center management 

Amazon Connect allows companies to manage their call center and customer experience with precision like never before. With the machine learning capabilities of Contact Lens, companies are innovating new methods of optimizing call center performance to maximize the value of their customer experience. 

Contact Lens provides the platform to move contact and call centers to the next level: Providing not only positive but exceptional customer service experiences. 

What is call center optimization?

Business is competitive and global. Competition for customers grows exponentially every single day. How can a business keep customers and, better yet, keep them coming back for more? The first step is distinguishing your business from others by delivering exceptional, customer-focused, digital yet personalized customer service. 

Business success long-term relies heavily on the quality of your customer service at the call or contact center level. Customer service agents are the digital face of the company and heavily impact the value of products and services. Businesses must use data to understand customer expectations and then exceed them. Are you getting the most from your call center? Are you exceeding customer expectations? Or is it time to optimize your customer experience? 

Consider call center optimization when your business needs to: 

  • Improve customer service quality for customers.
  • Exceed customer expectations and keep them coming back.
  • Reduce manual processes that slow down response times.
  • Enhance shared data usage to improve business results.

Important trends in customer service 

Today’s customer service is impacted by three significant trends in business. First, finding and managing quality talent in a customer service center environment is difficult. Add to that an implied threat of being replaced by process automation in the form of AI chatbots, tracking, and other automated service technology, and it makes the career choice less attractive. The good news is the remote working trend creates a work environment where agents can take calls from anywhere around the globe with an internet connection. 

Another important customer service trend is elevating the human experience both for customers and employees. Providing a high-quality digital product experience from sales to purchase and then to support is crucial. Positive and proactive customer experiences build the brand and help retain a loyal customer base. Using digital technology to improve both employee and customer experience elevates the human experience surrounding your product. 

To optimize the customer service experience, your business must be digital at the core and across the board. A well-designed, positive customer journey depends on processes being executed quickly and accurately. The ability to analyze business data is crucial to taking your data and using it to your best advantage. Business data accumulated across business units can spur new product and feature ideas all captured in a searchable database that’s available and hosted on a secure cloud platform

Optimizing call center management with AWS Contact Lens 

AWS Connect customers embrace continuous innovation and optimization using cloud-based digital transformation and automation. The ability to leverage cloud and machine learning to accelerate business processing in a scalable manner aids in delivering exceptional customer service experiences, starting in the contact or call center. 

Today’s consumers are smarter and more technical than ever. They compare their service experience with your business to the best service they’ve ever received even if the products are not related. Consumers also share their experiences online and amongst friends, family, and co-workers. These customers want the ability to connect to customer support online, quickly, and efficiently. They want immediate action regardless of the business or market conditions. 

Take Priceline’s example when the COVID pandemic caused their contact center to be bombarded immediately. Priceline used AWS Contact Lens to handle the large volume of customers successfully without incurring major costs. 

Priceline used the Contact Lens use case of rerouting calls and implementing chatbots on the fly to reduce backlogs and call waiting times. Callers were prioritized based on the travel date and urgency, reducing customer friction and stress. The customer service experience improved despite the circumstances and quick adaptation of new features into the process. 

Other Contact Lens use cases or capabilities for optimizing customer service include: 

  • Automatic Call Summarization creation. 
  • All data is stored in a single, searchable location. 
  • Access to information and tools for fast problem resolution.
  • Adaptability to market conditions on the fly.
  • Customer service process scalability.
  • Continuous adaptability with easy implementation. 
  • Leveraging ML and AI as supplemental services for agents.

AI-infused customer service automation technology is part of what’s called the fourth major industrial revolution. Automated customer service features represent a fusion of various technologies that combine to separate the physical, digital, and biological worlds. 

The benefits provided by customer service process automation revolve around data accuracy and customer retention. Both are critical for long-term business success. 

Taking advantage of AI to enhance the customer experience

Making the most of AWS Contact Lens use cases makes business sense. By taking advantage of features available that improve call center management, you optimize customer service and enhance your customer experience. 

AWS is driving the customer-first revolution by providing tools that allow businesses to adapt, scale, and respond to shifting customer expectations and volumes. Using Contact Lens features, businesses benefit by providing faster, more responsive, and more personalized customer service. Contact center management benefits from continuous innovation and the scalable nature of using Contact Lens. CloudHesive understands the specific features available in AWS Contact Lens and how to implement them to take your customer service team to the next level. 

CloudHesive provides assistance and knowledge on using AWS cloud. As an Amazon Managed Services partner and Amazon Premier Partner, CloudHesive helps businesses take advantage of all the features AWS offers. See what other customers have to say in several case studies available from CloudHesive and see if using CloudHesive and AWS Contact Lens benefits your business. 

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