Improve Customer Insight with Contact Lens Speech Analytics


Machine learning–powered information means improvements in everything from customer service to product offerings

The ability to follow sentiments and trends of customer conversations is invaluable for businesses that want to improve customer satisfaction with products and people. With Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, you can easily understand customer wants and needs by using real-time analytics powered by machine learning (ML). The powerful features of Contact Lens offer you the ability to provide the best in customer care.

Using the insights delivered by Contact Lens speech analytics, you get actionable information – direct feedback about what consumers actually want – through direct contact with customers instead of having to guess. This, coupled with improved customer service, can do much to improve the bottom line.

Contact Lens speech analytics not only can turn your customer service center into a profit center but also can improve efficiency throughout a customer-centric enterprise. Instead of an inside-out view that leads to guessing and overstocks, you get the inside-in perspective from actual customers. Let’s explore the value of Contact Lens speech analytics and how analyzing customer speech can improve customer service and lead to both product improvements and new product development.

Contact Lens speech analytics and the customer-centric organization

Data abounds. The challenge lies in converting this data into accurate, actionable information that propels stellar customer service. Your contact center produces more data than any other part of your organization. Contact Lens speech analytics helps you understand the whats and whys of customer interactions, turning them into actionable intelligence that can make an impact and empower your agents.

With Contact Lens, real-time analytics means you can detect and resolve customer issues while the customer is still on the phone. It provides alerts when a customer becomes upset that the agent is having issues resolving a complicated problem, so contact center managers can intervene proactively instead of trying to appease an angry customer. Aside from placating a frustrated customer, managers can get valuable information to use when training and coaching agents.

Even if customer interactions go smoothly, postcall analytics can be used to understand customer conversational trends and agent compliance. Sentiment, conversation characteristics, and compliance risks in call transcripts can be easily understood via the use of ML-powered speech-to-text analytics and natural language processing. Real-time alerts can be set to flag customer issues for detailed analysis.

The results of sentiment analysis can be viewed in the customer’s contact record and yield the following information:

  • A summary of the speech analytics
  • A categories section that lists all the categories you have set up
  • A recording section that gives you controls to listen to an audio recording
  • A transcript section that lets you review a summary of the transcript with the issue, action, and outcome highlighted

After you’ve analyzed customer conversations and noted trends, you can use that information to up your customer service game and improve the current product and innovate with new ones.

Contact Lens speech analytics and product optimization

Speech analytics indexes millions of conversations, uncovering valuable hidden information that goes far beyond surveys and reviews. This gives you a real understanding of your business based on actual customer needs and wants. Surveys are difficult to craft to get real, actionable insights, and reviews are often spur-of-the-moment emotional responses. To make the best decisions, you need real, objective data.

With the data analysis provided by ML, you can do the following:

Monitor new product launches and trial periods

Depending on the product, you might be offering a trial period. With the speech analytics provided by Contact Lens, all calls related to the product trial period can be automatically identified and classified. This means you can detect customer dissatisfaction as well as generate ideas for product improvements. For new products, you’ll be able to determine both what will be successful and what will offer high levels of customer satisfaction.

Gain a competitive advantage by knowing customer preferences

In today’s increasingly competitive business world, it’s tough to stay ahead of the competition. But this is where Contact Lens speech analytics comes to the rescue. You can target calls that mention competitors and use speech analytics to track customer interest in competitors’ products.

This is an opportunity to learn about actual customer preferences, their needs, and their demands. You can then create products to match. You’ll also gain valuable market information so your next product launch can propel you to the head of the pack.

Modify existing products to match customer needs

Your R and D department will also find speech analytics invaluable. By listening to or reading about what current and potential customers are looking for from your product, you can make improvements and adaptations that will better meet their needs as well as their wants.

Contact Lens speech analytics gives you more clarity about your customers’ requirements, allowing you to improve and innovate products that consumers want instead of making false starts. That saves money. It also creates new cross-sell and upsell opportunities based on expectations and spending intent, helping you generate new offers, discounts, and product recommendations that boost the bottom line.

The insights you get from speech analytics power the best in customer service and help you stay ahead of your competition. By providing information in real time, you can realize true continuous improvement. And the speech analytics provided by Contact Lens turns call recordings into a virtual gold mine of usable data in one cost-effective solution.

Get the most out of Contact Lens speech analytics with CloudHesive

Contact Lens speech analytics illuminates previously hidden information to power the enterprise. We’ll help you make the most of this valuable business intelligence.

CloudHesive is a cloud solutions consultant and managed service provider with expertise in all things Amazon Web Services. We have eight AWS Competencies, more than 50 AWS Certifications, and membership in nine Partner Programs as well as the experience and knowledge to help your business realize all the benefits of AWS cloud.

We’ve helped more than 100 companies reduce their operating costs and increase productivity with our focus on security, reliability, availability, and scalability. With over 30 years of experience, we leverage cloud-based technology to its full potential. Contact the CloudHesive team today.

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