Is Your Next Job in the Cloud?


Cloud Computing Security (Concept)
Cloud Computing Security (Concept)

Review these tips for building a career in the cloud computing industry

The job market has changed significantly over the past several decades. Years ago, many Americans would get a job right out of school and stay with the same company for the long haul. Today, this is simply no longer the case. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. workers now stay at their jobs an average of just 4.6 years, far fewer than in previous generations.

If you’re looking to change careers, moving to a field that focuses on technology is likely a pretty good bet. In particular, the cloud computing industry is growing significantly, and if you can break into this area, you’ll likely enjoy significant opportunities in the years ahead.

How to position yourself for a career in cloud computing?

1. Gain knowledge: The most important step in moving to a career in cloud computing is to gain as much knowledge as possible about a certain niche topic. There are hundreds of different umbrella technologies within cloud computing, such as virtualization, CRM management, cybersecurity, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and many more. Honing in on a specific technology and learning it extremely well will make you extremely sought after in the cloud computing space.

2. Get certified: There are a variety of cloud-related certifications that can boost your resume and allow you to stand out among your peers when searching for your next job. While many of these vendor-specific certifications focus heavily on their own products, they still can be a good way to learn the basics of all types of cloud computing technologies. A few of these include:

3. Learn database skills: Because most cloud computing technologies reside on complex databases, being able to understand database languages is key. SQL and MySQL are the two most commonly-used database formats, but having familiarity with other open-source database systems such as MongoDB, Cassandra, and Hadoop is beneficial.

4. Learn Linux: Another technology to learn if you’re interested in cloud computing is Linux, an open-source operating system that is used to power a variety of platforms. A good first step may be to dual-boot your system with a version of Linux. This will allow you to still use Windows or OS X, but give you the opportunity to boot into Linux as well.

5. Focus on information security: Much of employment in cloud computing is focused on cyber security, and a good way to make your mark with potential employers is to get the Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification. This certification is offered by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium and covers a wide variety of topics, including identity and asset management, asset security, and software development security.

Cloud computing is the wave of the future

Businesses of all sizes are transitioning much of their data storage and computing to the cloud, creating a large need for technical employees to help the process. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, the field of cloud computing is a bright one. Start gaining new skills to position yourself to break into this exciting and growing job market.

If you have questions about cloud computing or you are specifically looking at the benefits of moving your organization to the cloud, contact the experts at CloudHesive at 800.860.2040 or through our online contact form.

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