What Are Managed Services Provided by AWS? Definition, Uses, and Benefits


What are managed services provided by AWS? Is it an offering your business should explore? Dig in to learn more


The growing popularity of cloud computing is not by accident. This service helps many businesses increase efficiency, reduce IT infrastructure costs, and its flexibility is unmatched. 

But like with any other service, cloud computing has a few complexities that require additional skills and resources for proper management. Now, more than ever, the demand for reliable providers to handle these complexities has increased exponentially.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become highly preferred due to its commitment to fast deployment speed and optimum security. With AWS cloud services, organizations can deliver on-demand services faster and cost-effectively.

Still, leveraging the power of AWS requires additional skills and resources. While you can trust your in-house team to handle this work, they may not deliver as expected, on time, and cost-effectively. Plus, you could end up overworking your team.

AWS managed services can help you adopt AWS at scale, improve your operations, and more. But what are managed services provided by AWS? What can it do for your business? Discover answers to these and more questions below.

What are AWS managed services?

AWS managed services are a cloud offering provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It helps businesses manage infrastructures and applications in the AWS environment. As a fully managed service, it further aids organizations to simplify and automate critical tasks like patch management, user access management, backups, and incident monitoring. 

Plus, it helps businesses to seamlessly shift from on-premise to cloud-based infrastructure and enjoy all the perks it comes with. 

Benefits of using AWS managed services

The upsides of using AWS managed services include the following:

-Improved network security
Network security is a big issue today, and AMS can come in handy in protecting you against phishing, malware, data theft, and other threats. This means you can easily control various security aspects, including who has access to data and how they use it.

-Reduced downtime
S Downtime can affect your business in many ways. For small enterprises, this issue can cost hundreds of dollars per minute. But a more prominent business attracts an enormous loss that can reach thousands or more per minute.

AWS managed services help you avoid the downsides of unplanned downtime in various ways. First, by improving network security, it keeps cybersecurity breaches at bay, especially since a ransomware attack alone can lead to downtime that can go on for weeks. Plus, AMS guarantees constant monitoring and incident reporting, which keeps your infrastructure in tip-top shape.

-Enhanced compliance and governance
Businesses that use cloud infrastructure are supposed to be cloud compliant. That means they must comply with laws and regulations to protect sensitive customer data. Any form of noncompliance can have a disastrous impact on your business.

For instance, if your enterprise violates HIPPA requirements, it can lead to hefty penalties that usually start at around $1,000 and can escalate to unimaginable rates. But you don’t have to worry about that since AWS managed services can help you stay compliant.

And the best part is that you won’t have to wrangle with the dicey, tedious dependence associated with an in-house team.

How hard is it to migrate to AWS?

Migrating to AWS can be a challenging task. The process is often long and complex, involving moving applications, services, and data from your current infrastructure to the AWS Cloud. Whether you have a small or large organization and are unfamiliar with cloud migration, seek expert assistance, or consider the following steps. 

1. Assess

Before migrating to the AWS cloud, assess your business to determine if it’s ready for the move and everything that comes after. Your assessment should cover the current resource level, IT environment, and overall budget.

Also, determine the outcomes you expect from AWS migration and list the benefits your business will get out of this. Amazon has tools to assess your resources and readiness, like a migration evaluator. 

2. Mobilize

At this phase, you create a comprehensive migration plan, which is indispensable in preventing overspending and other issues. The “mobilize” phase also requires you to refine your business case.

Fortunately, AWS can make your migration plans a breeze through tools like AWS Application Discovery Service. This tool facilitates better decision-making by collecting and providing in-depth information on aspects like application utilization and dependencies.

3. Migrate and modernize

This is the last phase, where all applications are designed, migrated, and validated.

Are AWS managed services expensive?

The truth is that AWS managed services aren’t the cheapest solution out there. But its cost is reasonable compared to what you would have incurred if you were to deploy and manage applications using in-house tools and a team.

Additionally, there are several hacks you can use to cut costs while using AWS managed services, including:

  • Taking advantage of bundled discounts
  • Paying for resources only when you need them
  • Optimizing data transfer routes

Most importantly, a reliable Amazon premier partner like CloudHesive can help you migrate your environment from traditional data centers to a highly robust cloud and much more.

Leverage the benefits of AWS managed services with CloudHesive

AWS managed services benefits are vast. It eliminates worries like setting up, patching, or monitoring AWS resources—experts will handle the nitty-gritty details as you focus on core objectives. Plus, it is reliable, scalable, secure, and compliant. 

If you are looking for a reliable AWS managed service provider, CloudHesive is a golden choice. As an AWS certified partner, we can help you explore vital tools in AWS and migrate to the cloud at a fraction of the cost of hiring an internal team.

Besides, we offer other services, including Managed Services for Amazon Connect and Mission Critical AWS Services. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you, and we guarantee the peace of mind that your systems will always be up and running throughout. Reach out now for more information.

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