Use AWS Migration Hub to Track Migrations across AWS and Other Partner Solutions


Track AWS as well as third-party migration tools thanks to Amazon’s new AWS Migration Hub.

The work involved in moving to a cloud computing provider like AWS does not come without its share of potential hiccups. To help mitigate potential issues, Amazon has recently released a migration console that they’re calling AWS Migration Hub, which is great news for organizations looking to quickly and seamlessly move resources over to the cloud.

What is AWS Migration Hub?

AWS Migration Hub is simply a centralized platform where you can track all of your AWS migrations, spot any issues along the way, and see real metrics about how the entire process is progressing. Never before could you gain this kind of visibility from one location, especially when dealing with third-party migration tools.

Problems solved by AWS Migration Hub

The following issues were commonly seen by users prior to the introduction of AWS Migration Hub:

  • No easy way to track migration states across workloads in a single migration.
  • Existing migration tools don’t allow you to track these efforts by application, forcing the overall slowdown of migrations.

With AWS Migration Hub, users instead have a single location to track migrations across multiple partner and AWS solutions. This offers a number of key benefits:

  • The flexibility to choose the exact AWS and partner migration tools that fit your needs.
  • Gain instant visibility into the status of all your migration work.
  • Access to key metrics for AWS and third-party applications, regardless of what migration tools are being used.
  • Easily troubleshoot any migration issues thanks to the central AWS Migration Hub.

How to get started with AWS Migration Hub?

To get started, simply authorize the migration tools you’re using in AWS Migration Hub. Below are some additional tips to keep in mind as you begin to use this new migration dashboard:

  • Group individual servers as applications and track migration status all from one place that offers key metrics.
  • All AWS customers have access to AWS Migration Hub for no additional charge.
  • You only pay for the cost of any migration tools you use, as well as any resources specifically being consumed on the AWS platform.

Trying to decide if AWS Migration Hub is right for your organization?

If you’re unsure of whether Migration Hub could help you as you move resources to the AWS cloud, don’t hesitate to reach out to the CloudHesive team today. As longtime Amazon partners, we can help with your migration to AWS and deal with any problems along the way. Feel free to give us a call today at 800-860-2040 or contact us through the online form on our website.

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