HireRoad cloud posture improves following AWS Well Architecture Framework Best Practices Analysis


Migrating to AWS with CloudHesive

HireRoad is a dynamic and Innovative company that specializes in helping organizations find people with the right skills which understands through the hiring process that “This company is a fit for me”. HireRoad streamlines attracting, hiring, onboarding, and training employees so that you can quickly build great teams that thrive. Built by experts. Trusted by millions of users.


The Challenge

As a Solution Integrator, CloudHesive needed to ensure HiredRoad meet and exceed all their security requirements. HireRoad wanted to review their existing practices and proactively apply necessary remediations. With emphasis on Cost optimization and Security, CloudHesive worked with HireRoad to ensure their cloud architecture aligned with AWS Best Practices for “Well Architecture”.


The Solution

CloudHesive conducted an AWS Well-Architecture review on the HireRoad workload. This involved  review of their  “AWS Well Architecture Framework” which gave them recommendations to long-term stability and minimize the risk of daily business interruptions.


The Results 

  • Secured investments to help reduce risk
  •  Focused time on work that drives improvements
  • Consolidated workloads and best practices across the enterprise
  • Reduced Risk and increase security across its workloads.

Services Leveraged

AWS Well-Architecture Framework along AWS Well Architecture Tool

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