Migrating a Critical Database to Amazon RDS


AJE Group

Our team had the privilege of working with a multinational beverage company of Peruvian origin that operates in 28 countries across Latin America, Asia, and Africa. As the fourthlargest company in sales volume for nonalcoholic beverages and the third-largest producer of carbonated drinks globally, our client had a critical Oracle database run on its infrastructure, requiring constant maintenance, scalability, and security reviews.

The Challenge

The company’s IT team began to feel pressure to maintain the infrastructure and keep up with the growing needs of the database. The company needs a cloud-based solution that provides scalability and advanced security measures to protect company data.

The Solution

We partnered with the client to migrate their Oracle database to Amazon RDS, a fully-managed relational database service that offers scalable storage capacity and advanced security measures. The migration process has several phases, including:

  • Evaluation of the existing database: Our team evaluated the current database, conducted an audit to identify potential problems and risks, and determined which data and applications needed to migrate to Amazon RDS.
  •  Amazon RDS instance selection: We selected an Amazon RDS instance that met the client’s business needs for storage capacity, performance, and security.
  •  Instance configuration and customization: We configured and customized the Amazon RDS instance to meet the client’s business needs and established connectivity between the Amazon RDS instance and existing applications.
  •  Data migration: We migrated the data from the existing database to the Amazon RDS instance and performed extensive testing to ensure the data migration was correct and applications performed as expected.
  •  Production: Once migration and testing were complete, we commissioned the system and provided ongoing support to ensure that the system ran smoothly.

The Results 

The client’s Oracle database migration to Amazon RDS was aresounding success. By moving its database to the cloud, the company was able to relieve its IT team of the burden of infrastructure maintenance and focus on its core business. In addition, the company increased its data security, as Amazon RDS provides advanced security measures to protect company data. Amazon RDS’s scalability also enabled the company to handle the future growth of its database
efficiently and cost-effectively. Overall, migrating to Amazon RDS was a successful solution for the company and allowed it to focus on its core business without worrying about infrastructure management.

As an Amazon RDS Consulting Services Partner, we specialize in helping you seamlessly migrate your databases to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). This powerful web service simplifies setting up, operating, and scaling a relational database in the AWS Cloud. With Amazon RDS, you’ll enjoy various benefits, including cost-effective and scalable capacity for traditional relational databases and support for various popular database engines. Plus, Amazon RDS takes care of many routine database administration tasks, freeing your team to focus on other critical areas of your business. Whether you’re looking to migrate an existing database or set up a new one, our expert team can provide the guidance, tools, and support you need to ensure a successful transition to Amazon RDS. Let us help you unlock the full potential of this powerful cloudbased database service today.”

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