Serverless Benefits for Startups and New Businesses


For any growing business, having the ability to adapt to a quick-changing environment is essential. This can be more challenging with traditional servers, especially considering they require more maintenance and can be quite costly. Serverless architecture offers numerous benefits that allow startups and new businesses to progress with efficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • What is serverless architecture, and how does it impact a business?
  • How do serverless architecture and microservices work?
  • Discover the advantages of using serverless architecture to reduce application software development costs
  • Learn the benefits of developers focusing on coding and release deployment rather than backend server and process management

With the adoption of serverless architecture becoming more common on a commercial level and in our everyday lives, startups and new businesses are starting to make it a core part of their operations. Serverless architecture, also known as cloud services, has the ability to support all facets of the fast-paced nature of a growing business – traditional servers simply can’t keep up, cause delays, and incur costs that can be substantial.

Many different industries can benefit from serverless architecture, but one of the earliest adopters is companies that work with software development. With less infrastructure to manage, faster results, and a unique cost model, the technology is hard to pass up for many businesses.

Serverless architecture also has the ability to work with many different integrations, which helps improve workflow and uniformity across developers for any given project. However, many existing businesses are still working with traditional servers, which sheds light on the importance of early-stage migration. Aside from how serverless architecture works, it’s important to understand what it takes to integrate it into your business processes. How does serverless improve early-stage startups, and how does it differ from traditional architecture?

How can serverless architecture impact a growing business?

To discover how serverless architecture can positively impact your business, it’s essential that you have a comprehensive understanding of how the technology works. Note that this technology still requires the use of servers, but they don’t need traditional server management. Serverless cloud architecture also provides a pay-as-you-go model, which means a business only pays for what is used.

The main advantages of serverless architecture are:

  • Faster resource management
  • Improved scalability for growth and adjustment in development projects
  • Lower costs with free application idle time
  • Supports a variety of programming languages
  • Can quickly deploy new software and updates to their target market

Each of these points offers flexibility for developers, as it gives them the tools they need to adapt and overcome. With the use of serverless architecture, developers can focus on what’s most important such as programming and deployment. Traditional servers are far from being a thing of the past, as they require much more work regarding implementation and management.

For your business to grow efficiently and minimize roadblocks, you need a support system that allows you to stay on track. Even though many companies may be fine with traditional servers, the tech won’t match up to the speed and efficiency of serverless architecture. This is crucial to keep in mind as it can directly affect how you stand out among the competition.

Understanding the cost-effective nature of serverless architecture

The difference in costs between traditional servers and serverless computing is staggering. Software companies can easily reduce their costs by 70% or more as they only have to pay for what they use. This means you won’t incur any costs unless there is some kind of execution of the code. The downtime is therefore entirely free, which can be highly beneficial to a growing business trying to watch its finances.

Serverless architecture generally costs only $0.20 per million requests, and sometimes much less than that. These benefits won’t be found with traditional architecture, and although the serverless benefits for startups can be significant, the cost savings are a big selling point for any growing company.

Costs are only one relevant aspect of serverless computing. With traditional servers, developers can encounter numerous issues that take them away from their primary tasks. Most of what pushes a development project forward are coding and active deployment, which you can support with the help of serverless cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).

What benefits do developers get out of serverless architecture?

Software development can encounter many delays and complications. One of the primary issues developers have faced for years is dealing with backend servers and process management. This takes away a lot of crucial time developers could be spending on coding and deployment of products, new features, and general updates.

There are a few core benefits that cater to the needs of developers and the tasks that are most important to them.

  • Agility with the help of modular cloud services, making for a flexible organization
  • Promoting innovation by offering effective tools for deployment
  • No need to manage traditional servers, which distracts from project roadmaps
  • More automation tools for a faster workflow
  • Improved speed to market, allowing your company to stand out among the competition

Many software development companies are looking to AWS cloud services to gain the benefits of serverless computing. The technology is continuously expanding, and it’s becoming a more prominent choice for software companies that intend to stay on the leading edge of development. By utilizing serverless architecture, developers won’t have to manage underlying infrastructure or unexpected downtimes. In turn, your business will be able to deliver faster releases, reduce costs, and stay in line with your projected roadmap.

For any new business looking into serverless cloud architecture, it’s vital you know how to properly implement it to work in your favor. To learn more, CloudHesive’s website offers many case studies and articles that dive further into the benefits and use cases of serverless computing.

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