How to Modernize Public Sector Applications Using Serverless Architecture


Being able to stay one step ahead with development in an ever-growing market takes an innovative approach. Using serverless architecture is one of the best ways to get this done, alongside utilizing the many benefits AWS provides.


The execution of app development considers many different factors. Aspects such as time to market, scalability, availability, and the end-user experience must be examined. However, there should be a focus on the development and customer side of the project. The use of serverless architecture is becoming the new standard due to its cost efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability. 

Standard development practices are becoming increasingly archaic with each passing year, and app development projects require more flexibility to adapt to market and customer demands. Many of the changes regarding cloud-native architecture include benefits that AWS can provide.

With features that can help run code, manage data, and integrate applications at an unmatched rate, AWS is becoming a norm for many app development projects. More specifically, this modernized approach offers a level of security the public sector needs. 

Another aspect of AWS that serves public sector apps is Moodle, which can create customized learning environments and offers an open-source platform. To use this to your advantage, it’s essential to first understand what app modernization really means.

What is app modernization?

A lot of what app modernization requires comes from the many services and benefits that serverless architecture and AWS provide. The most current development operations standards can’t find the support they need with the old ways of managing physical servers. In short, too many complications arise with physical servers, which can be extremely costly to manage.

These issues aren’t a part of serverless computing, and when you throw AWS into the mix, these tools become a no-brainer for application development. With everything serverless architecture and AWS has to offer, developers can provide faster deployment, better security, immense scalability, and better overall efficiency.

You’ll also find that certain infrastructure tasks, such as patching and capacity provisioning, won’t be an issue with serverless architecture. Using AWS and serverless tools to your advantage, you can take development in a modernized direction, which will always benefit your operations and the end-user in the long run.

How public sector applications can benefit from modernization

Whether it’s centered around government, nonprofit, education, or healthcare organizations, public sector applications are highly beneficial in numerous ways. However, many are reaching a point where they’re still delivering an outdated experience and could use a modernized touch. This goes for both sides, as development companies are looking to innovate, and the end user experience could use some improvements. Modernization can offer various benefits to public sector applications.

A few of these benefits include:

  • Cost savings: With the pay-as-you-go model that serverless architecture offers, development projects won’t be hemorrhaging money to support physical servers. You’ll only have to pay for what you use, and there are no upfront expenses or long-term commitments with AWS.
  • Flexibility: AWS allows you to choose the programming model and development platform that works best for you. Select the services you want to use so you can innovate and scale how you see fit.
  • Agility and elasticity: Faster deployment and the ability to adapt quickly are core elements of AWS services. This adaptability of the cloud infrastructure gives developers the space they need to innovate and experiment with different outcomes to find the best solution. Without having to deal with the delays that come with managing physical hardware, you’ll be able to execute at speeds that you wouldn’t be able to achieve otherwise.
  • Security: At this point, it’s no secret that serverless computing is much more effective than on-premises infrastructure. Through accreditation and certification, data encryption, and hardware security modules, app development has never been more secure. 

Public sector applications will undoubtedly benefit from these features, and the end user will enjoy a better experience. One tool that stands out regarding modernization is Moodle, a core part of AWS Connect Services.

Modernize public sector applications with Moodle

Regarded as one of the most popular tools in the public sector, Moodle is perfect for online learning with the help of an open-source platform. It’s able to create customized learning environments through an easy-to-use interface. Moodle’s drag-and-drop features make it easy to develop applications and integrations at scale.

Whether you’re dealing with a handful or millions of users, Moodle can provide the tools you need to handle them all. However, before you can reap the wonderful benefits of Moodle and AWS, you’ll need to manage migration. This can be rather cumbersome, but it’s not impossible by any means. Migrating to a serverless architecture entails moving data, applications, and related services from your current infrastructure to AWS. Once this is set up, you’re free to use everything AWS and Moodle have to offer.

Moodle can help modernize applications with the following benefits:

  • Creating customized user experiences
  • Offering a safe and scalable environment
  • Convenient and efficient file management
  • Secure authentication
  • Easy backup of files and data
  • Collaborative tools for development

Moodle offers all these features and more, each of which is perfect for public sector applications and the services they offer. Using tools such as serverless architecture and Moodle is essential to remaining on the cutting edge of development while meeting the end user’s needs. 

To get a closer look at how serverless architecture helps to modernize application development, you can learn more by reviewing our numerous case studies. These provide insight into real-life applications of serverless architecture, AWS, and why modernization of applications is so important.

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