4 CRMs That Integrate With Amazon Connect?


Integrating your customer relationship management application with Amazon Connect allows you to maintain your existing user base in the cloud. Here’s how to bridge the gap with 4 top CRMs. 

Integrating your customer relationship management (CRM) app with Amazon Connect comes with a myriad of benefits, like the ability to access your contact center from your CRM without sacrificing the convenience of cloud-based infrastructure. For most users, this transition is as seamless as cloud call centers get. 

Because Connect is omnichannel, the integration lets you provide a seamless voice and chat experience for your team members and customers alike. Customers can work with the same agent across both calls and chats, and the conversation log is saved, so no details are lost between calls. 

CRM integration also allows you to access machine learning in the form of Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, which offers valuable insights into customer conversations. 

You can integrate Amazon Connect with the most popular CRMs, including:

  • Salesforce
  • Kustomer
  • Zendesk
  • Zoho 

AWS is constantly announcing new Connect integrations for CRMs, workforce optimization (WFO), and workforce management (WFM) systems, so that list could grow in the future. Here’s how to make these connections today. 

Integrating Salesforce and Amazon Connect

Salesforce is the world’s #1 CRM for a reason, and its Amazon Connect integration only makes it better. The 360-degree view of customer interactions benefits from cloud infrastructure, which adds consistency and ease to the customer helpdesk and customer service experience. 

The Amazon Connect CTI Adapter for Salesforce lets you access a Contact Control Panel (CCP) that’s WebRTC-driven within the Salesforce app. The browser-based CCP is accessible within Salesforce Lightning, Console, or Classic. 

This integration includes: 

  • A managed Salesforce package
  • An AWS serverless application for your environment

You should install the Salesforce CTI package in the sandbox environment before configuring it within Salesforce. 

Once integrated, the CCP lets agents count on Salesforce screen pops to alert them to inbound calls or outbound click-to-transfer. 

Integrating Kustomer and Amazon Connect

The Kustomer CTI for Amazon Connect comes with plenty of benefits, including: 

  • Custom IVR trees based on data stored in Kustomer
  • A smart routing engine that syncs with Amazon Connect in real-time
  • In-depth dashboards to access workforce management and reporting, agent and call statuses, and more
  • Multichannel routing for agents who are cross-trained

Integrating the CTI takes just minutes with 1-click activation on Kustomer. Once active, agents can take advantage of full customer histories, powerful integrations, and convenient automation to tackle any call and provide a seamless experience for both customers and agents. 

Integrating Zendesk and Amazon Connect

Zendesk Support is another popular CRM that supports Amazon Connect integration. With Amazon Connect, agents have better experiences following tickets, routing and tracking calls, and prioritizing interactions. 

To integrate Amazon Connect, go to Amazon Connect Streams and add the origin URLs to your instance settings. This allows Zendesk Support to share information with Amazon Connect. Then, download and install the Amazon Connect app on Zendesk. 

You must have the Zendesk Talk plan to use Amazon Connect. There’s a free trial of Zendesk Talk if you’re interested in trying Connect before changing your Zendesk subscription. 

Integrating Zoho and Amazon Connect 

Zoho is one of the first APN partners to release an integration for Amazon Connect and its CRM solution, Zoho Desk. The integration melds the advanced CRM features of Zoho with the cloud-centric features of Amazon Connect for a CRM solution that’s flexible, agile, and easy to scale as your capacity and needs grow.

After integrating with Zoho CRM and PhoneBridge, your agents will: 

  • See a business card view of the contact when an incoming call is initiated (or an outgoing call is made)
  • View automatically generated call logs at the end of each call
  • Add follow-up notes and review the customer history without leaving Zoho CRM 

The best part is, Amazon Connect integrates with both Zoho Desk and Zoho CRM (it’s very common to use both services together since they complement each other’s features). 

This is a simple integration that takes a few steps once you’ve signed in to Amazon Web Services: 

  1. Go to the Amazon Connect console.
  2. Choose the Instance Alias for PhoneBridge from the list
  3. Select Application Integration and click Add Origin
  4. Enter the Origin URL for PhoneBridge (it’s http://www.phonebridge.zoho.com)  and choose Add
  5. Enable Amazon Connect integration in Setup > Channels > Telephony
  6. Log into your Amazon Connect account in Zoho CRM to finish the setup 

Centricity operationalizes contact center teams with Amazon Connect

Once the integration is out of the way, it’s time to get your contact center team rolling. CloudHesive can help you operationalize your team by taking control of your cloud network with Centricity

Centricity is our proprietary platform for:

  • Monitoring and managing network performance
  • Scheduling and simplifying work
  • Cross-platform functionality
  • Advanced security, reliability, and flexibility 

Amazon Connect is highly functional, but it still has performance gaps that Centricity covers. The added functionality of Centricity includes real-time dashboard updates, better reporting, automatic call and voicemail transcription, custom CSAT data capture, and more. Our experts will help you gain better control over Amazon Connect and capture its benefits fully. Contact us to learn how Centricity could be right for your organization.

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