4 Ways Sales Teams Benefit From Amazon Connect and Salesforce CTI Integration


One of the best ways to unlock more sales and revenue is to connect the systems your sales teams rely on the most

While customer relationship management (CRM) platforms have been around for decades, Salesforce has become the leader, with over 150,000 organizations counting on Salesforce integrations to help their sales teams reach new heights of performance. Here are four ways Amazon Connect integration with Salesforce CTI can help your sales team succeed.

 1. Reach more prospects with Salesforce CTI

If your sales team cannot reach your prospects, there is little hope they will become your customers. Worse, they could become the customers of your competitors. That is the danger of an inbound marketing funnel that has bottlenecks early in the process. 

With Amazon Connect Salesforce CTI integration, your sales team will be connected more quickly to prospects who are ready to have a conversation. Advanced screen pops and one-click calling enable them to spend more time on calls with worthwhile prospects, and Salesforce gives them the resources to provide the kind of incredible customer support on which great brands are built.

Salesforce CTI also allows your salespeople to call with a local number. This “local presence” makes your calls much more likely to be answered because your prospects will know it’s not coming from a far-away phone bank. With caller I.D. today, many people will not pick up a call from out of state or even out of town.

 2. Amazon Connect-Salesforce integration creates CRM buy-in

The Salesforce API allows Amazon Connect to integrate with Salesforce CTI simply and securely. Salesforce API allows other applications to access the data within your Salesforce. This cultivates better sales team buy-in for your CRM software. Because Salesforce CTI makes your salespeople’s job easier, they are much more likely to leverage all the tools the integration offers. 

 3. Performance and productivity reviews made easy

Your sales team needs feedback, and integrating Amazon Connect with Salesforce gives you information you would have to dig to find with only a CRM. It will track the metrics that are important to you. Managers across your sales teams will have access to all the KPIs that are most important to your business specifically. 

You may even find relationships you did not know existed, or that you were not tracking under your old, cumbersome system. Those performance metrics can now be discovered and used in the best interest of the business as well as creating the ability to offer the best customer service in your industry. 

Logging calls is another great feature of an integrated Amazon Connect and Salesforce CTI system. When all calls are logged and a customer calls in, even to a representative they have not spoken with in the past, that rep can easily see all the touchpoints your business has had with that customer. This allows for a more personal and less frustrating conversation for the customer. It also allows management to look back through any incident and provide coaching or create better best practices based on outcomes.

 4. Put the information agents need at their fingertips

Not only does Salesforce integration make it easier for managers to access the information they need for coaching and giving accolades, but it will also serve your sales team all the information they need quickly. 

With tools like high-velocity sales and advanced screen pop, salespeople can immediately act on prospect communication opportunities. They can see real-time contact center metrics within Salesforce from Amazon Connect as well as historical metrics. The contact analytics allow for transcription of voice calls and analysis of conversation performance using AI to surface sentiment, keywords, syntax, entities, and more.

Call recording and transcription also help discover small changes agents can make to those conversations to produce better results. As your sales team evolves and creates new dialogues, the success of those changes can be tracked and shared across sales channels much more easily than ever before.

 5. Integration gives your sales team an omnichannel presence

With Salesforce CTI and Amazon Connect integration, your sales reps can communicate with accounts across all channels: chat, SMS, email, and phone. Amazon Connect will even know when a Salesforce agent is handling an inbound call and label that rep as unavailable to chat, or vice versa. 

You can also configure post-call workflows to support your agent’s after-call work. The Salesforce API easily extends these behaviors within the CTI adapter, as well.

Amazon Connect Salesforce CTI integration helps you provide a great customer experience

While business becomes more competitive on what seems like a daily basis, those who are succeeding — not just in your industry, but in all industries — have a keen eye on customer service. Salesforce integration allows your customer service and sales teams to provide the type of service that will build your brand and bring customers back time and time again. 

CloudHesive can help with all of those integration questions, letting you focus on your business and your team. Put your leadership skills to their best use and let CloudHesive supply the tools your team needs to bring the results you demand.

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